Tuesday 30 August 2011

Thursday 25 August 2011

dear blog

i write this today coz sum1 just pointed out to me that it's been two days since i last posted on the blog (the author here is thankful ;)..)..it's not that the last few days have been very hectic or that i was busy with other activities the only reason for my lax attitude is being preoccupied with thoughts!..and these being no profound ones i assure u.. :D the thoughts i'm referring to are the ones that plague u whn u have many things which need to be done and u r either unable to prioritize them or they r just too many to be sorted out!..to give u an insight to the kind of things whirl-pooling in my mind...saturday!..yes that's going to be a big day (literally!!) daniels organising the rock-band comp. Silence Denied and a major company recruiting for training on the very same day..i also think once in a while about studying for it :D..but that thought unfortunately has failed to strike a chord uptil now..and in the next two days i'll know its worth!..i've never been so complacent before and the tragedy is i'm doing nothing about it even aftr realising this! chalo enough of self-criticism let me get to work now (yes i'm trying to study! :P)

Monday 22 August 2011


as far as i remember
this was my very first attempt at jewelry designing :)
and is one of the best in my collection now..


Saturday 20 August 2011


19th aug

nothing i write today would be able to do justice to how happy i am at this moment..and this is because the last two days have been totally exhilarating on the family front, even though i haven't contributed much to it :P..take for instance today being my mum's b'day i decided to get sum sweets for her on my way back from college as a surprise and to my utter shock realized that my wallet was in my other bag lying securely at home! newaz whn i finally reached home i was greeted with a whole bunch of guests and needless to say sweets too :D..so i just had to console myself thinking dat my motive had pretty much been met..even though it's rare, but as it so happened the icing for the cake was ready even before the cake was!..and here the icing i'm talking about is my dad being elected the president of the univ teachers assoc. yesterday..lyk this everything eventually fell into place..talking of the weather, even the sun burnt day gave in to a breezy night..ok! let me not romanticize it further and take away it's essence..coming to the point, on a serious yet optimistic note..as parents continue to be our source of joy i hope we could be theirs in the days to come..only if those days could come sooner! 

Wednesday 17 August 2011


 stumbled across this old hand made diary while rummaging through the contents of a drawer :)


Monday 15 August 2011

r u anna??

as the protest against corruption is gaining momentum, we as laymen are witness to many varied opinions regarding the anna vs. govt. tiff or should i say one political party against the other..well when i write now i'll try not to take sides but excuse me if it becomes apparent..anna hazare aims to go on a fast tomorrow i.e. 16th of august..the delhi police has refused to grant him permission to do so, but team anna is hell bent to carry on with their plans and as in the media would even go in for court arrest..well many have come all the way to support him but many have questioned his method citing that this technique is far from Gandhian!..anna in his defence quipped that he wouldn't hesitate to become Shivaji if need be..
the PM today in his I-day speech said that people who do not agree with the current drafting of the lok-pal should present their views in the parliament rather than sitting on hunger strike..bringing judiciary or the prime minister in its purview would only set up a parallel govt. and that certainly would create a bigger crisis situation!
well all of us are aware that corruption is an epidemic and it would take more than 4-5 people challenging the govt. and speaking out loud against it wearing caps saying "i'm anna"....it is a deep rooted phenomenon and even a non-corrupt citizen finds it difficult to survive in the existing circumstances..i believe a legislation comes into play after an act of corruption has been done..it would not be required if every citizen takes upon himself to shun this evil practice at its core..so this movement should start from within each citizen's conscience rather than a few people who claim to be representing the civil society!...

Thursday 11 August 2011


friends hav often pointed out that i'm an incessant speaker and always seem to hav so many stories and situations to narrate..but when it comes to writing and that too on a public forum, strangely i'm out of topics! :P
cuming to today's activities..the day started with a pretty dull dbms lab wherein my laptop refused to install a software! then APC's event Graffiti kicked off and was quite a crowd puller..though art work by any individual at the end was difficult to discern, overall it made up a pretty picture..barely pulled out 10 min. for lunch fearing my mum's wrath, which i was the recipient of a few days ago :P ..then evening also didn't bring along any sort of respite as i had to design sum passes and posters..well all said and done i'm not even sure if this is how u waste or this is how u utilise tym! now i better get to the assign i have to submit tomorrow b4 i doze off out of tiredness!


Sunday 7 August 2011

UID - Aadhaar

This acronym stands for Unique Identification. This is a new scheme started by the government to provide a unique 12-digit identification number to each and every citizen of the country. It was later renamed to "Aadhaar". The scheme is headed by Nandan Nilekani, a graduate from IIT Bombay who is the chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Also the author of "Imaging India", he was the co-chairman of Infosys before becoming associated with this project. This card would be linked to all the existing identification cards such as ration card, passport, driving licence, etc. The main purpose listed behind this is to check terrorists and immigrants from coming into Indian territory. It also aims to come to direct aid of poor by making schemes such as NREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) accessible to them directly once they have registered their geographic and biometric details with the government through these UIDs.
