Monday 28 November 2011

a day to remember

Jagriti Yatra Logo

yeah i got up early in the morning cursing this very company! :P who knew that i'll be working for it in the near future!! aftr many excruciating rounds of interviews and group discussions i finally made it..i now realise that watevr happens, happens for gud actually!
apparently a fused tubelight brightened my day and a paper boat set me afloat ;)
amazing day! looking forward to the next six months now..jagriti yatra + intrnship at amex :) 

Saturday 26 November 2011

Saturday 19 November 2011


i'm not among the ones who believe in luck for day to day happenings but today wasn't a very favorable day! visited the rdb fort for the second time with a college club, apc..all was well till the car i was travelling in was hit by a truck from the side i was sitting on..if that wasn't enough on my way back my mobile slipped out of my jacket pocket and landed on the road..we kept going on in utter oblivion until i realised i wasn't carrying my mobile..shocked and terrified at the same time we decided to follow our route backwards meanwhile trying to call on my phone..the first few calls declared the phone was busy! but i finally let out a sigh of relief whn a person picked it up on the third try..he told me that the phone had dropped out near a crossing where we had turned and he would return it provided we give him a "treat"!..we immediately tracked down the fellow..i got my phone back but not without a big crack on the screen and innumerable scratches..which the person told me were the result of a car passing over it whn it fell..the ppl who were along asked him wat treat he respect for the man immediately fell down several degrees whn he said "daaru hi saadi party h"!..i still shook hands with him and made my way back to the vehicle not wanting to be involved in the "party" transaction...

Saturday 5 November 2011


Convocation'11...from the diaries of the co-convener :P..
gr8 environment with a lot of happy and enthusiastic vibes
but "high" tea was definitely the low point!


Wednesday 2 November 2011

this is how it's done here

yesterday they asked me can india have companies like google, facebook, apple.. my first thought was if u ever let people follow their passion..and with the day coming to an end it just reinforced my point that this kind of encouragement would not come netym soon!..
corporate sector! every one here aspires to be steve jobs but i bet hardly a few can dare to break that glass ceiling and do something beyond the ordinary..beyond wat the chain of command asks them to do..beyond sitting in their cubicles with eyes bored into data sheets and desktops!
well if u r wondering y suddenly the corporate world is facing my ire it is because today i faced my first or first two interviews with a renowned business analyst company and wat i ended up learning aftr the process was "i need to muster the art of telling lies!" both the interview rounds of this company i was asked the ques "what are ur plans for the future?"..i having never felt the need to lie on such a basic question, went about my plans of starting an ngo or at some point of time even adopting a village and making it self sufficient..never once throughout the session did the panelists make me feel that i was going off track or this wasn't wat they were luking for..they kept probing and smiling and so i kept blabbering..when i finally came out of the room i was so calm, relaxed and my naivety was such that i thought i couldn't have answered the ques better (but they truthfully would have yielded better results had i lied!)..but i didn't realise my mistake till the results were out and as it so happened i hadn't made it..i aftr a moment of realisation of wat had just happened i went up to one of the panelists of the intrview and asked "wat went wrong?"..she with all the tact that these people have repiled with utter politeness "i wouln't put it like something went was only that u we appreciate are going for a very noble and all..but we are not looking for that sort of a profile"!..the 'mistake' dawned upon me and i left without saying a home my dad told me how "grossly politically incorrect" i had been telling a core business oriented company that wat i finally want to do is start an ngo!..never-the-less i'm not utterly disappointed coz this experience has certainly taught me a big lesson which i hope hasn't come too late in life..just tell them wat they want to hear and not wat u want to tell..